Happy Throw Back Thursday! I found some photos from 2009 thru 2012 and thought I would share them with you. There are many thoughts that go through my mind when I see old photos of myself. At first, a sadness comes over me, yet, even though a sadness is present, I also feel blessed and fortunate that I am still here on this earth!
I guess the idea behind Throw Back Thursday is to look back and reflect on our past history. I think of the place I was in mentally, physically and emotionally. In retrospect, I am reminded of how much physical pain I had; my body always hurt! I always had a smile on my face and I even though I was disappointed in myself.
Honestly, I was really in denial about just how large I was. Seeing these photos reminds me of where I’ve been, what I’ve been through, how far I’ve come, and just what’s possible when you truly believe in yourself!
It’s amazing how critical of ourselves we can be, right? One thing I’ve been working on is learning to love and accept the person that I am, which is easier said than done. I believe it’s such a crucial and important part of the travel on the journey to weight loss success. I’ve never posted photos on a Throw Back Thursday before and thought it was a good time to include some photos today.
Still beautiful.
But I hear you on the chronic physical and emotional pain. What we do to ourselves we would never do to someone else.
But remember to always be kind to yourself. Your present self ,future self and especially past self. You are the ONLY one who has always been there for you. And that deserves love, respect and kindness.
Thank you! Your words are very wise and offer such great hope and advice. Please continue to give your perspective! You have wonderful insight.