
Why a Back on Track Challenge?

I’m not sure about you, but I don’t feel like anything in my life is normal. I’ve been out of work now for 6 weeks and trying to deal with life in this “transitional” phase as I’ll call it. In the past, I put up challenges that focus on healthy eating, mindfulness, self-care and getting back to a normal routine.

Since I live in South Florida and we prepare each year for Hurricane Season, there are times when we have to evacuate or are more heavily impacted by the damage of the storm. In many ways, this pandemic feels similar to hurricane season and in other ways, it’s unique.

In preparation, we do stock up on essential supplies, food and water. Then, hunker down and stay indoors, until the storm passes. With this pandemic, the storm is invisible. There’s no tracking device to let us know the storm is near, if we are in the clear or if can come out from our bunkers and begin the process of trying to get back to some sense of normalcy. In this case, there’s so much disruption to our normal way of life, work, school for those studying, traveling, being out with other people, social distancing, parks, beaches, malls, and most businesses shut down. This is all very new for us to grasp and while we are trying to figure out what we should do, our time is filled with so many emotions. We also find ourselves with more time on our hands and that includes eating more, snacking more, and moving less.

The purpose of this challenge is to ask ourselves, what is within our control, and the things we can do to make the best choices for our mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual health?

Starting tomorrow, May 1st, I’ve selected 10 topics that are important to all of us. Let’s begin with Goal setting and S.M.A.R.T goals. So many times, we have dreams and aspirations. We have the best of intentions, are pumped up and eager to get going on our path, but then fall short of our desired objective. Why is that? Tomorrow, I’ll go through the action steps on how to make setting our goals – S.M.A.R.T, so we don’t have to work harder!

Here are the topics scheduled for this challenge:

  1. Set Goals – Let’s GET S.M.A.R.T
  2. Establish a daily routine. What was your routine before the pandemic? I don’t know about you, but before COVID-19, I had a morning and evening routine. As humans, I believe we operate well having a routine. The National Institute of Mental Health has numerous studies on the importance of having routines, especially in early childhood, to help combat stress disorders, and to dealing with traumatic events.
  3. Prioritizing
  4. Coping Techniques for Emotions and Stress
  5. Physical Activity ( notice I didn’t say EXERCISE)
  6. Mindfulness – what is this and will it really help us?
  7. Healthful Eating Choices – How to make the best food choices when money and food sources are limited.
  8. Let’s Talk about Z’s – What’s the Big Deal about Sleep?
  9. Water – Do we REALLY NEED 8 cups a day?
  10. Cooking and Creative Meal Planning- when money is tight, how do we cook, and use all of our food items before they spoil.

Your comments, questions, and feedback are encouraged and always welcome. I want to hear from you on any topics you’d like me to address.

Stay tuned! The fun is about to begin!



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2 thoughts on “May Back On Track Challenge – What’s In Store? READ ON!”

  1. Nancy Desmangles

    I like that you typed activity and not exercise ! lol !
    Setting goals is a helpful tool ………………..
    water !
    I am going to learn so much here ! xoxo

    Nancy D

    1. Kimberly Christian

      Thank you so much Nancy! Glad you are staying tuned and finding the information helpful.

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