What? Week One of the Back On Track Challenge is Done? Take a Peek
Hoping you are well and staying safe? I’m not sure about you, but the longer this pandemic lingers on, the more it seems to impact me mentally. One thing I’m learning, is that the weeks seem to fly by and staying busy is the best medicine. It’s hard to believe we are already in the first week of May.
As with most of you, the structure to my days, basically, my life, are totally changed and I continue to find the best daily routine.
With our first week of the “Back on Track Challenge” behind us, I wanted to find out how your week went and to also share how my week turned out.
When it comes to S.M.A.R.T. goals, I set a goal for myself, in that I want to lose 16 lbs by July. Since that’s a very doable goal, I put the action steps in place that would help me achieve that goal. Since being home so much, and also out of work, I notice that I am not as firm as I was prior to the quarantine. I have continued to keep my original workout goal in place of to workout a minimum of 4 days per week, but I was doing more weights and circuit training before. That’s something I will work on for week 2 of challenge.
In terms of my eating, one of the biggest challenges that I’ve faced throughout my life is that I am a night -time eater. During the day, I stay on track and eat my planned meals, but it’s that time after dinner that always gives me the most difficulty. Is this something you have a challenge with? If so, please let me know what you do to combat grabbing something to eat after dinner. There’s a few things I do that work for me, but I have identified when I watch TV in my family room, I tend to have the strongest urges to grab a snack. Trying to pinpoint the “Why” behind the urge to eat late at night is an area I continue to work on and eventually, I want to get to the point where I can watch TV, in my family room, without snacking. Last night, for example, I drank some caffeine-free green tea with Stevia and that seemed to help. If I stay up late, I’m bound to get hungry I guess, but I don’t really need to eat anything at that time. I want to learn how to control this urge so I can finally conquer it once and for all. I’ve decided I’ll go to bed earlier or if I have to watch TV, I’ll do that from bed, since I don’t eat in bed. I’m a work in progress and will continue to talk about this more and hope we can open up this topic for further discussion.
With regard to this week, I was on a few zoom chats, Bible Study on Wednesday, cooking a few recipes for Cinco de Mayo, research, reading and writing. I’ve been doing a really good job by staying busy, active, and keeping some sort of schedule.
So what’s in store for Week 2? What topic will we focus on?
Hit me up if you want to work on something in particular, if you have any specific challenges or goals you would like to focus on.
Be well.