What Happened?

When COVID-19 first hit, I was already in the middle of a personal pandemic. After working my entire life in the floral industry, I was at a place in my career that I was happy with. Although I held a position that was very challenging, I finished each workday fulfilled. The company I was working for at the time (2019 pre-pandemic), was going through internal changes, yet I didn’t get the vibe that our division would ever be out of business. I was re-assured by Board Members that should anything ever happen; I would always have a position in the company. Many people would have been alarmed to hear such words, but I felt comforted in knowing that upper management thought enough of my work, I felt validated and acknowledged for my hard work and tireless effort. And so, with all of that said, the bottom fell out in March of 2019, I found myself in a whirlwind of career havoc. My beloved company had indeed decided to sell my division to another company. I was assured I had a position in the new company, went through the initial transition beginning April 2019, and at the end of May, my position was “eliminated.” For the first time in my entire life, I was out of work. To say this had a big impact on my family and me is an understatement.

The time from May, 2019 though the pandemic, as I explain it to those closest to me, I believe I went “through” something. I’m not sure what I would call it, but I certainly didn’t feel like my “usual” self. I had many different thoughts and emotions to face during this time. As I write this now, I think of the many lessons learned, not only about myself, but about my family, friends, colleagues, neighbors and a host of “acquaintances” as I would call them now.

By August of that same year, I had landed a great position and felt like I was slowly “normalizing” and getting back into the swing of things, contributing to my family and career. As we all know, COVID-19 caused a major uproar to many families, lives and businesses. So when COVID hit, the new company I had been working with was forced to put the entire US team on permanent lay-off. Once again, I was out of work.

It has taken a lot for me to get to a place where I an even write about all of this and share my experience in such a public way, but my thought is, that I’m certain I am not alone in what I went through and as a result of the pandemic, I am sure many of you and your families have experienced far greater challenges than what I write here. I’m thankful to say that we remained in good health during this time and didn’t personally experience COVID or any other health issues. In retrospect, I would expect we all learned valuable lessons as a result of the pandemic and what is really important in life.

I want to thank you for staying with me and connected with my website, Facebook and Instagram channels. I honestly didn’t have the mental capacity to write while I was going through all of the changes in my life. Trying to figure out how to pivot and move forward in a positive way, work/life balance, handling family and changing work responsibilities. I was trying to figure out my place in life, why was my purpose, and how I could make a difference in the world.

I couldn’t connect to that part of my brain that allowed the words to flow as freely as they had in the past. I didn’t realize what a tremendous gift I have been given in the ability to just write freely without having to labor and strategize for each word. During the time of the pandemic, the words just stopped flowing. For one of the first times in my life, I felt “wordless,” which is exactly the same as being speechless, if this makes any sense.

Yet, while I was handling my situation, I tried to stay connected, did write occasionally, just nothing stuck in me to keep going and to keep consistent, even though, the word and practice of CONSISTENCY is one of my mantras in life. I felt like a hypocrite and a fraud. I didn’t feel like a success, nor did I feel like I had anything of value to share. So, when the words stopped flowing, I stopped staying connected. I dropped off all social media to the point I didn’t even open it up to check what other people were doing.

What started my entire website, social media, and Facebook group was the intention of bringing you something of value in sharing my weight loss journey. During all of this, I didn’t believe I was able to share anything helpful since I was struggling to help myself.

In looking back at this time, I know see that the biggest mistake I made was in retreating, shutting down and not staying connected. While I could have been open with you about what I was going through, I guess I felt ashamed, hurt, and too disappointed in myself to talk about it while I was in the middle of it all. For that, I am truly sorry and apologize from the bottom of my heart.

Why Now? Why did I choose to comeback and start over again?

After much thought, prayer, and self-reflection, I recognize that the learning process of life, much like weight loss is a journey and not a destination. Each twist and turn, each choice led us down different paths. I’ve asked myself what did I learn from this? One thing I’ve learned is to re-prioritize my entire life and what’s important to me. I no longer choose to spend my time in the same ways I’ve done in the past.

I took pride and pleasure in communicating and connecting with you and want to get back to building a community that can support each other, help each other, share our struggles, successes, setbacks and victories along the way.

At first, I felt these changes in my life were at step back, when in reality, it was a set up for the step up I wan tot make. I want to extend my hand to you, and I want to grab your hand, so we can join together to give each other a hand up, to becoming the most evolved, enlightened, version of our former selves.

What’s Next?

My goal is to communicate weekly, post each week, plus a recipe, or product review. With your help, I will write about a relevant topic to our weight loss journey, such as mindset, food, and meal prep, fitness and exercise, mental health, and wellness, how to handle stress, change and challenges, just to name a few

What Can You Expect?

What you should expect from me is the same philosophy and vision for why I began this community in the first place. My intention, mission and passion remain the sam, which is to share my journey, the good, the bad, the ugly, in an honest, open and truthful way. I’ve never hidden anything from you and want you to trust my authenticity and integrity.

When it comes to losing weight, there’s a lot of conflicting information out there, and yes, while I do agree that some things that work for me, may not work for you and vice-versa, I believe in providing information of value, based on simple truth, facts and personal experience. For Example, when I try out a new supplement, food, or protein powder, if I notice a difference so see any change, like or dislike the product, I will let you know.

Here’s Where I Need Your Help

What kind of content do you want to see? Please comment below or send me a message on what topics or questions you’d like to discuss? Whether it’s to review a product, a new recipe, or anything else you’d like to chat about, just let me know and I’ll get the ball rolling.

I’m excited to begin this new chapter on our weight loss and life journey together.

With love and light!

Comeback Photo
Happy To Be Back!

2 thoughts on “I’m Ready to talk about why I’VE been away”

  1. Good morning Kim.. I’m sorry you went through everything that you had to go through.. Sometimes it’s a life learning lesson . It doesn’t make it easier.. I’m glad you’re back. .

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