
5 Steps to Setting S.M.A.R.T Goals

Why is goal setting so important? Most of us would agree that having a direction, a clear focus, and something to reach for would be pretty good reasons to set goals. But especially during this time, I find that setting goals gives me more of a sense of control when the world around us just seems so uncertain.

So why do we set goals and at times, don’t achieve them? We get down on ourselves by placing blame on our lack of willpower, self control, and laziness, among other factors. But the reality is, what we are calling our “goals” aren’t as smart as they could be. What do I mean by this? Having goals, S.M.A.R.T goals that are specific, measurable, achievable, results-focused, and time-stamped are a better way to go.

So before we go into the 5 steps, the first question is- What is your Goal? What do you want to Accomplish?

Follow these 5 steps to setting S.M.A.R.T Goals

  1. SPECIFIC – Write Down Your Goal. I recommend working through this process for each individual goal. So then, look at this goal and ask yourself is this specific? The goal should be clear and define specifically what you are going to do. How and why will it be accomplished? So for example, by July 1st, I am going to lose 15 lbs, recording my weight weekly and body measurements monthly, I will eat 1000 calories of healthy food in 5 meals per day and track my daily meals and workouts.
  2. MEASURABLE – Goals should be measurable so we have hard evidence to let us know if we’ve achieved the goal or not. In each goal, there are smaller measurements built in to let us know we are on the right track.
  3. ACHIEVABLE – Goals should be achievable, is it possible? We should feel challenged, but being specific and having our goals well defined enough so that we can achieve them. Do we have the necessary knowledge and skills, ability, and resources to accomplish the goal?  Will meeting this goal challenge us without defeating us? These are all very important questions we need to ask ourselves. But, the good news is, we can meet just about any goal when we plan our steps wisely, establish a clear time frame that gives us the time we need to carry out all of the steps. As we move through the steps, we can achieve things we never thought were possible, while on the other hand, if our goal is impossible, we may never try to accomplish it again. This is why having achievable goals are so powerful and motivating. It’s also why we must also be aware that if our goals are impossible, they can be just as powerful and damaging to our self-esteem and motivation.
  4. RESULTS-Driven – Start with the end game in mind. So, when it comes to this step, the result is the reason, purpose, and/or benefit of accomplishing the goal? It’s not the activities that go into the result, it’s the goal  – example: lose 15lbs, improve overall health ( feel better), eat better, get more fit and able to move better, etc.
  5. Time-Stamped – Goals should be linked to a specific time frame that gives us a deadline, which in and of itself creates a sense of tension and limit by when the goal should be reached. Without setting a specific deadline, there is no call to action or urgency to begin on our path towards reaching the goal.

So try working through your goals by using these 5 steps and let me know what goals you are planning. Please share your comments, feedback and questions.

Happy S.M.A.R.T Goal Setting!

Be well

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